About Us

Picture of the front of Elgin Street Public School

Quick Facts 

  • Our school welcomes approximately 335 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
  • We offer full-day bilingual Kindergarten and the Early French Immersion program.
  • After completing grade 6, students attend Glashan Public School or Hopewell Avenue Public School.

Mission Statement

"Elgin Street Public School maintains an established history, and serves the needs of its diverse community. Our school embodies the important tenets of learning while celebrating and nurturing both the strengths of individuals and our community."


Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page.

About Our School

Elgin Street Public School is a small French Immersion community school located in the central part of the inner city. The school is enriched by its diverse socio-economic, ethno-cultural and multilingual student population. Elgin Street Public School strives to develop and provide to each learner an education of the highest quality, in a positive environment, with caring, dedicated, and effective staff. Our school actively involves students, teachers, and parents in the establishment and growth of a positive school climate in which each child can enjoy and realize their maximum learning potential and develop into responsible, caring, skilled, and confident members of society.

Elgin Street PS’s  students represent over 20 countries and languages. Our students and families bring a number of experiences and traditions to our school. 

The Elgin Street staff is made up of custodians, principal, teachers, ECEs, learning support teacher/learning resource teacher, library technician, educational assistant, office administrator, part time office assistant, and lunch time monitors. Many of our teachers have Additional or Specialist Qualifications in one or more of the following areas: Special Education, English as a Second Language, Computers, Physical Education, Reading, French as a Second Language, and the Arts. Staff work as a team, continuously seeking professional growth opportunities in order to improve our school and model lifelong learning.

The local community provides recreational facilities and daycare programs through facilities such as the Jack Purcell Community Centre, YM/YWCA and Florence Daycare. We welcome parents and volunteers in our school.

Elgin’s location provides easy access to the following services and resources, which provide our students with the opportunity to take part in many special events:

  • Museum of Nature
  • Museum of Civilization
  • National Art Gallery
  • National Arts Centre
  • Ottawa Public Library
  • Public Archives
  • Rideau Canal
  • Parliament Buildings
  • Confederation Park
  • Lisgar Collegiate Institute

Academic Programs

We offer the following academic programs:

  • Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
  • Early French Immersion (Grades 1-6): In grade 1, students receive 80% of instruction in French. In grades 2-6, students receive 60% of instruction in French. 

Special Education and ESL Programs

We provide support for exceptional students through our Special Learning Support programs. We also support the language development needs of many of our students with English as a Second Language programming. Additional supports include:

  • Learning Support programs including Empower™ Reading
  • Remedial support and educational assessments with our Learning Support Teacher
  • English as a Second Language (beginner-intermediate-advanced) programming
  • After school tutoring
  • After School Early Literacy Friends (ELF) tutoring


We have a wide variety of special activities available throughout the year to enrich the regular school program. Students also have opportunities to get involved in a wide range of clubs, athletic teams, and activities. For more details, visit our Teams and Clubs page.

Elgin Street P.S. houses:

  • Full size gymnasium
  • Large library resource centre with over 30,350 books
  • Computer technology in every classroom
  • Computer projector and interactive boards
  • Playground facilities: large park setting, two play structures, including an accessible play structure, basketball nets and outdoor skating rink.

A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover. For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.

Please see our Child Care page to see what child care options are available at Elgin Street PS.